Family Constellations Group and Individual


Jakob Robert Schneider, Sieglinde Schneider
Family Constellations Group and Individual
2 DVDs, 360 Min.
ISBN: 978-3-89670-261-6

For many years family constellation work was considered to be a method used in groups. In the meantime there is great demand for this work in an individual setting. What do family constellations in a group with the help of representatives and family constellations in an individual setting using figures have in common? What differentiates them?

SKU: 978-3-89670-261-6 Category: Tags: , ,


For many years family constellation work was considered to be a method used in groups. In the meantime there is great demand for this work in an individual setting. What do family constellations in a group with the help of representatives and family constellations in an individual setting using figures have in common? What differentiates them?
Sieglinde and Jakob Schneider, both very experienced in each method of doing constellations, show how they currently do the work in this bilingual (German/English) DVD, which was filmed during their international training in a smaller setting in 2007. The work for two of the participants is shown in both individual and group constellations. In addition to the constellations, the DVD includes an interview on the group and individual work, explanations of several key aspects of the work, above all “strength”, and a demonstration of the “place” of aborted children and the effects of abortion on a family.



– Begrüßung/Introduction (4 Min.)
– Grundsätzliches/Basics (12 Min.)
– Sabine/Gruppe: Die versteckte Jüdin / Sabine/Group: The hidden Jewish woman (20 Min.)
– Sabine/Einzel: Das Abnehmen / Sabine/Individual: Losing weight (52 Min.)
– Gedankliches Gerüst für lösende Prozesse: Wahrheit und Liebe / Thoughts that lead to resolution: truth and love (40 Min.)
– Die Kraft/Strength (50 Min.)


– Die Wirkung einer Abtreibung in Beziehungen, mit Demonstration / Impact of abortion on relationships, with demonstration (56 Min.)
– Paul/Gruppe: Bruch mit dem Vater / Paul/Group: Separation of father and son (49 Min.)
– Paul/Einzel: Tochter hat Akneproblem / Paul/Individual: Daughter has acne problems (90 Min.)
– Interview: Individual and group work (35 Min.)


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